End The Addiction
Methamphetamine Detox
Methamphetamine is an illicit stimulant drug. The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) reports that this potent, highly addictive chemical substance was first developed in the earlier 20th century, when it was used as an active ingredient in bronchial inhalers and nasal decongestants. It was quickly determined that the dangers involved in taking this substance far outweighed any medicinal value. Methamphetamine is currently classified by the US Drug Enforcement Administration as a Schedule II chemical substance, meaning that it is exceptionally habit-forming and is only legally available to members of the general public through a professionally written prescription – one that is never refillable. The same study published by NIDA explores the current scope of methamphetamine abuse and addiction throughout the United States. According to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, there were 1.6 million active methamphetamine users throughout the country in the year 2017 alone. During the same year, a reported 964,000 Americans over the age of 12 actively suffered at the hands of a diagnosable methamphetamine use disorder. While a great number of men and women desperately need professional methamphetamine abuse treatment, very few actually seek it. This is partially because this specific drug is so powerfully addictive – and partially because many individuals remain unaware of the treatment options and resources that are readily available to them.
At Pine Tree Recovery Center we offer men and women of all ages and personal backgrounds the opportunity to begin their personal journeys of healing in a private, homestyle detox facility. We understand how devastating methamphetamine addiction can be, and we are available to help in any and every way possible. For more information on our medically monitored detox program or on methamphetamine addiction recovery in general, give us a call today.
Methamphetamine Abuse and Addiction
The signs and symptoms of methamphetamine abuse and addiction are typically exceedingly easy to recognize. This specific chemical substance is highly potent and extremely addictive, and the physical and psychological symptoms of abuse are liable to take hold within several weeks of consecutive use. The short-term effects of methamphetamine abuse include erratic behavior, violent outbursts, extreme paranoia and hallucinations. Even individuals who use this drug once report experiencing intense psychological cravings once the initial “high” wears off. That is to say that some people quite literally become addicted after the very first use.
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The long-term effects associated with consistent use are severe. Long-term effects of methamphetamine abuse include:
- Permanent changes to brain structure, which leads to permanently damaged brain function.
- Compromised motor skills.
- Persistent psychosis, including paranoia, auditory and visual hallucinations and repetitive motor functions/an inability to control motor functions.
- Significant memory loss.
- Mood swings and mood disturbances.
- The inability to focus/increase in distractibility.
- Loss of appetite which leads to noticeable weight loss.
- Increased propensity to engage in angry and violent outbursts.
- Severe dental issues.
- Skin issues, like abscesses and other infections, that result from constant picking.
- The rapid development of physical and psychological dependence/addiction.
If you or someone you know has been abusing methamphetamine for any length of time, seeking help from a professional medical detox facility is absolutely essential.
Our Meth Detox Services Include
Methamphetamine Withdrawal
The US National Library of Medicine published an article titled “Withdrawal symptoms in abstinent methamphetamine-dependent subjects” in 2010. The study explores the symptoms most commonly associated with methamphetamine withdrawal and the most beneficial detox methods. It was discovered that psychological symptoms – like severe anxiety, paranoia, hallucinations and depression – most commonly go hand-in-hand with methamphetamine withdrawal. It was also discovered that while these symptoms typically subsided within a week or two, the intense psychological cravings persisted – and these cravings were what typically led the individual to relapse once the medical detox process concluded.
At Pine Tree Recovery Center we work to treat all symptoms of methamphetamine withdrawal as soon as they arise – including these powerful psychological drug cravings.
An article published by Very Well Mind titled “An Overview of Methamphetamine (Meth) Withdrawal” explains that withdrawal very frequently presents an unpredictable set of physical and psychological symptoms, which is part of the reason why medically monitored detox is always necessary.
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Other methamphetamine related withdrawal symptoms we effectively treat include:
- Extreme fatigue and sleepiness – Often coupled with insomnia/an inability to sleep or rest for any significant period of time.
- Anxiety – Several studies show that persistent methamphetamine use actually contributes to the development of long-term anxiety disorders. In fact, roughly 30 percent of users will develop an anxiety disorder of some kind.
- An increased appetite – Often characterized by necessary weight gain. At Pine Tree Recovery Center we provide our clients with a fully-stocked kitchen, which they have around-the-clock access to. We also provide daily chef-prepared meals which are nutrient-packed and conducive to physical and mental health and healing.
- Depression – Those who are experiencing methamphetamine withdrawal often feel generally sad and depressed, which can lead to suicidal ideation if not adequately treated in a medical detox facility.
- Meth cravings – These cravings are treated with a combination of Medication Assisted Treatment and intensive therapeutic care. Clients have access to daily group therapy sessions and at least one individual therapy session every week.
- Psychosis – Because psychosis is so common, having access to around-the-clock psychiatric care is absolutely essential.
Why Is Medical Detox Necessary?
When it comes to methamphetamine withdrawal, medical detox is primarily necessary so that a team of mental health professionals and prescribing physicians can treat symptoms of psychosis as they arise. It is not uncommon for men and women who have been abusing this specific drug to require Medication Assisted Treatment by way of antipsychotic medications. We also frequently prescribe non-addictive sleep medications, seeing as insomnia is liable to exacerbate mental health-related withdrawal symptoms. Our main priority is to provide each of our clients with a safe, comfortable and pain-free withdrawal experience.
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Pine Tree Recovery Center and Meth Detox
At Pine Tree Recovery Center we provide men and women of all ages with the quality clinical care they need in order to overcome methamphetamine addiction long-term. Our medical detox program was carefully developed with client comfort in mind; we offer a safe and pain-free withdrawal in a homestyle, private medical facility. Not only does our program offer clients all of the comforts of home, but the additional amenities and services we provide make for a treatment experience that is truly unlike any other. Upon admission to our medical detox program, clients undergo a detailed and highly individualized clinical assessment which helps our medical team determine which detox methods are going to be the most beneficial. When it comes to methamphetamine withdrawal, we typically employ a combination of therapeutic and holistic treatment methods in conjunction with psychiatric care whenever deemed necessary. As previously mentioned, the psychological symptoms associated with methamphetamine withdrawal are typically far more uncomfortable than the physical symptoms. For this reason, if methamphetamine was a client’s drug of choice, he or she undergoes a separate psychological evaluation upon admission to deem whether or not Medication Assisted Treatment (in the form of an antipsychotic) is necessary.
To learn more about our unique and highly individualized program of methamphetamine detox or to set up an initial pre-assessment over the phone, give us a call today 24/7 at (888) 693-1751 or complete this form online click here.